June 14, 2024

On June 14, a meeting was held between the State Tax Service (STS), the State Tourism Agency (STA) and the Azerbaijan Hotel Association (AHA)

The purpose of the meeting, which was organized with the support of the tourism policy and strategy department of the State Tourism Agency, was to discuss the proposed tax benefits for hotels and the overall tax related issues of the hospitality industry.
Heads of Finance department and tax managers of 12 member hotels of the Azerbaijan Hotel Association participated at the meeting. The representatives of the hotels expressed their opinion about the offered privileges and had a wide discussion with the Head of Tax Policy Department of STS, Rashad Nuriyev, and the Head of Industry and Associations department, Elchin Kazimli.
As a conclusion, it was decided that as a continuation of the close cooperation between AHA and STA and STS, regular meetings will be held and suggestions and questions of the hotel industry related to taxes will be collected by the Association and communicated to the related government entities.

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